Tips to Slow Down the Progression of Myopia
Introduction Myopia, which is popularly referred to as nearsightedness, is characterized by the fact that distant objects appear blurry while those that are nearby are clear. This condition occurs because the eyeball is shaped such that light focuses in front of the retina instead of right on top of it. Unclear vision is therefore experienced for things that are far from us, such as, for instance, signs by the side of the road, blackboards, or even television sets. In recent times, myopia has been on the rise globally, especially in children, and if not treated, it worsens progressively with time. When caught early, myopia prevention and its advancement slowed down through some changes in lifestyle and interventions made at an early age. Apart from being hereditary, this disorder also has other factors like too much screen time and no outdoor activities leading to its advancement. The following are some suggestions for slowing the progression of myopia through myopia monitoring a...