Can Adults Receive Treatment for Lazy Eye ?

People from all parts of the world ask us a lot whether lazy eye (known scientifically as amblyopia) can still be treated effectively in adults. Simply put, the answer is yes! Regardless of age, this condition can be treated.

This information catches many by surprise because it has been believed for so long, both by society and other doctors, that before age eight amblyopia is only treatable. However, as developmental optometrists, we are disabusing this notion by demonstrating that treatment for amblyopia can indeed be successful even in adults.

What Is Lazy Eye ?

Lazy eye, otherwise known as amblyopia, is a condition that has poor development of coordination and focus. This vital skill enables both eyes to function together and concentrate on one point in space. If this coordination fails, one eye or both may not be able to see clearly.

It is important to make a difference between amblyopia and an eye turn, which is known as strabismus but commonly called “crossed eyes." A person may have amblyopia without turning their eyes, but we have further details about its distinction in our amblyopia information page.

What Causes Lazy Eyes ?

Most amblyopic patients complain of differences in vision between their two eyes. The brain may choose to ignore or suppress impulses coming from the weaker eye, resulting in problems with developing clear vision. A constant squint, high myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism can aggravate this condition by encouraging suppression of the affected eye.

Normally, binocular vision is achieved because the brain combines two slightly different images to form a single three-dimensional image. But in amblyopia, one eye does all of the work, thus making the other lazy in terms of what it sees.

Why Is There a Misconception About Treating Lazy Eye in Adults ?

Often people think that it is only effective to treat amblyopia when you are a child. This belief is based on research conducted by Torsten Wiesel and David Hubel at Harvard Medical School, which indicated that correction of vision is most appropriate during the infancy stage. They carried out their experiment using kittens whose one eye was deprived of light, hence ending up with the conclusion that after the development of visual skills, there is no significant way to improve them in the future.

However, recent studies show that it is possible for the brain's visual system to be retrained at any age. For example, this could be evidenced by research funded by the National Eye Institute (NEI), which proved how children aged between 7 and 17 are capable of receiving amblyopia treatment.

Can Lazy Eyes Be Corrected in Adults ?

Definitely. Irrespective of one’s years of existence, the visual structure that is made up of the eyes, brain, and visual tracts can go through retraining due to the feature whereby the brain can change form or function. The purpose of amblyopia therapy is to bring back the ability for both eyes to view images in a similar way so that the brain can then properly fuse such images.

As a general rule, treatment is likely to have a better outcome if it commences at an early stage, but amblyopia can still be addressed among grown-ups. What matters most here is that the brain adapts and enhances these visual skills with time.

Symptoms of Amblyopia in Adults

Because it doesn’t present with any conspicuous physical signs, amblyopia can be hard to detect. It is different from strabismus, where the eyes turn outwardly, but there are no well-defined external manifestations of amblyopia. Some common signs in adults include:

  • Poor depth perception
  • Eyes fatigue
  • Visual tiredness
  • Headaches

These symptoms may hinder daily chores like ball playing or driving. For amblyopia to be diagnosed, functional vision tests should mainly be done. This thorough assessment looks at visual processing, binocular function, and an array of other visual abilities.

Treatment Options for Lazy Eye in Adults

The different approaches that could be taken to treat amblyopia in adults depend on their unique situation :

  • Vision Therapy : A series of exercises aimed at improving visual abilities and improving the ability for both eyes to function together. It is usually the best way to go about treating amblyopia, as it works directly on its causes.
  • Glasses : Sometimes glasses are prescribed to strengthen binocular vision. This entails ensuring lenses are well fitted to encourage suitable visual coordination.
  • Eye Patch : Patching or using a lens that blocks one eye can sometimes help improve amblyopia by stimulating the other weak eye through its complete closure.

Are There Lazy Eye Exercises for Adults?

Though binocular vision can be improved through optometric vision therapy that includes exercises, exercise programs online adamant about curing amblyopia should not be taken seriously as they claim to work like miracles; only specialized developmental optometrists can develop personalized plans and oversee their implementation.

Costs and Surgical Options for Adult Amblyopia

Depending on the degree of severity and the insurance plan, treatment costs differ, and the length of most vision therapy programs ranges from 6 months to 9 months. Sadly enough, there isn’t any surgical solution for amblyopia.

Moving Forward with Amblyopia Treatment

It takes time and a lot of effort to treat amblyopia in adults because the process is about reversing a chronic condition that has existed for many years. In spite of these challenges, there is much room for improvement in visual function.

If you think that you are suffering from amblyopia, it is advisable to see a developmental optometrist. The Vision Therapy Center serves Wisconsin residents. For others, we provide the links to developmental optometrists worldwide in our article.

For further information on amblyopia cure, amblyopia medical devices, amblyopia treatment, amblyopia therapy, and how to cure lazy eye, please visit our resources or contact a specialist consultant so as to discuss the various alternatives available for improving vision.


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